Offshore Merchant Account: Virtual Terminal

Virtual Terminal, or Virtual POS, is an application that allows you to accept card payments from clients manually when obtaining card details over the phone, by fax or by mail, before processing those transactions through a simple online form. Virtual Terminals are useful for call centres, offline outlets or POS (card present) transactions, as well as when used as an alternative payment method for online shops when clients encounter problems or are wary of using their credit card on your website payment pages.

Our all-in-one service for MOTO merchants includes a direct merchant account (MID) with one of the reputable EU/UK or international acquiring banks, access to Virtual Terminal (online and Windows-based software), and optional API integration with an award-winning gateway and real-time reporting tools. Virtual terminals are web-based, secure, ‘card-not-present’ point of sale solutions. Not requiring a card reader, clients provide their billing information without needing to be present. If you are searching for a safe and reliable virtual payment solutions, PaymentPlus is here for you.

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Benefits of Virtual Terminal

The benefits of these types of transactions for businesses that don’t call for the use of hardware like traditional terminals are various. This kind of virtual terminal merchant account is not only easy to set up and use – it’s secure, flexible, and excellent for many types of industries and businesses.

Virtual credit card terminals feature a basic online form to have patrons input their information for a Mail Order Telephone Order aka a MOTO order. This information could include the customer’s name, their account details, and also the frequency & amount of each transaction.

  • Process payments at lower rates.
  • Real time process.
  • Securely store customer data for future transactions.
  • Gain 24/7 access to your records.
  • Improve cash flow and reduce costs.